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The file was successfully uploaded!
The contract template is added successfully!
The presentation was successfully saved!
The resource was successfully saved!
The eContract was successfully sent!
Sending eContract has failed. If this issue persists please contact the system administrator.
Upload failed. If this issue persists please contact the system administrator.
Save failed. Please try again. If this issue persists please contact the system administrator.
This brand already exists. Please enter a unique brand name.
Slide deleted successfully.
Your presentation contains multiple title slides. Please delete all but one before downloading.
Your presentation contains no title slides. Please return to core presentations and add one before downloading.
Password updated successfully.
This topic already exists. Please enter a unique topic name.
You are about to delete this brand, do you wish to continue?
You are about to delete this topic, do you wish to continue?
Brand name cannot be empty. Please enter a valid brand name.
Topic name cannot be empty. Please enter a valid topic name.
Invalid characters in File Name. ~ and ' are not supported.
This file type is currently not supported. Please upload a different file.
The file was successfully uploaded!
Uploading file…
You are about to delete this file, do you wish to continue?
Subset rule updated successfully.
You are about to delete this data set, do you wish to continue?
The document type is added successfully!
Announcement is added successfully!
Error occured while adding announcement!
Saving Announcement....
Deleting File....
Saving the Embedded eContract…
The Embedded eContract was successfully saved!
Sending Embedded eContract has failed. If this issue persists please contact the system administrator.
An error occurred while processing your request. Please try later or contact your administrator.
Topic Integration ID should be unique.
Error occured while saving Topic Integration ID.
Training status failed to update. If this issue persists please contact the system administrator.
Preview failed. If this issue persists please contact the system administrator.
Training failed to open. If this issue persists please contact the system administrator.
An unexpected error has occurred in the system. Please contact System Administrator.
Making this update will result in the following speakers losing the training they have started:
They will use the new training uploaded from the beginning.
Click OK to proceed or Cancel to revert back.
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